Indonesian GMP Guideline is main regulation pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. There is similar to another GMP guideline but different in many aspect.
Are you looking for Indonesian Good Manufacture Practices (GMP) Guideline ?
This is the right place, you can download guideline in English.
Indonesian GMP Guiline refers to PIC/S GMP PE 009-14, July 2018, WHO TRS 981/ 2012 Aneks 2; 986/ 2013 Aneks 5; 992/ 2014 Aneks 3, 5; 996/ 2015 Aneks 5 and 999
This guideline issued by Indonesian FDA (BPOM)
Download Indonesian Good Manufacture Practices (GMP) Guideline
In Indonesia this guildeline called CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) 2018.

If you need detail info about pharma industry in Indonesia you can contact me via WhatsApp (+6285643416332)